Aldene Listens
CranioSacral Explorations to Unwind & Feel Better



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"Working with Aldene is a supportive and illuminating experience. She brings gentle awareness and opening to facilitate deeper self-discovery and integration. After a six session series, I experienced greater awareness, acceptance and integration of formerly unknown parts, experiencing more ease in my body and greater peace of mind."  -Sociologist in State College,  Pennsylvania 

"I hadn't realized how much I needed someone to talk to. That's been the most helpful aspect of the sessions. Of course, I appreciate the guided relaxation and energy clearing and the cranial stuff. But knowing I have someone to dump my stuff with every week is such a relief.   Dump doesn't sound good yet that's what it feels like.... like I can just dump so much of what I've been carrying then feel lighter. I do feel lighter.  Talk to you next week."    a message from a psychotherapist in California 

Lifecoaching with Aldene Etter craniosacral therapist and lifecoach in State College Pennsylvania

"Because of these sessions, I have been able to come to an understanding of how much control I have over my own life. I have realized that I can't control other peoples thoughts or actions but I can control my own and put myself at peace.

One of the biggest things I have learned is that closure comes from within, when you are able to come to an acceptance of that you began to be able to take control of your own life.

These sessions have additionally taught me to look at other peoples perspective and understand why they behaved the way they did. I am very happy that I started these sessions and am excited for additional future progress."   

-College Student, age 18 mail

CranioSacral Therapy and lifecoaching testimony from woman in Minnesota for remote sessions with Aldene Etter who is in State College, PA home of Penn State University

Some experiences clients have had from 1:1 confidential, remote sessions:  "Headaches gone."   Back pain diminished... or gone.  "Better sleep."   Clearer idea of how to move forward on a project.  "Feeling of autonomy."  "Deeper breathing."  Feeling empowered.  Better communication with spouse.  "Connecting the dots between emotions and issues in the body."  "Feeling heard."  Less tension in low back.  "Feet feel like they are connecting to the floor."

CranioSacral Therapy testimonial from a client in Maryland who met over zoom with Aldene Etter, craniosacral therapist and lifecoach living in State College Pennsylvania home of penn state university  


A Northern Californian, "Before I started working with you I was taking Valium every day."  Update  She is no longer taking valium though she continues to carry it with her.  Update #2 A month after the last update, she is no longer carrying valium with her. When the urge to take valium arises, she uses that as information. She then uses one of the tools that she learned in our sessions.


Words from a Shepherdstown, West Virginia client after receiving distant CranioSacral integration with Aldene in a zoom session


"...the unwinding you can initiate in people is straight to the core! It's very inspiring."     Woman in London 

CranioSacral therapy for a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania client with Aldene Etter lifecoach, craniosacral therapist for pain relief

"Aldene is a compassionate and knowledgeable healer. She has made a tremendous impact in my journey to health and has helped me to discover my true path in life. She creates a safe space for healing to occur."

Testimonial from a London, UK client for international CranioSacral Therapist and lifecoach, Aldene Etter with photo of lotus pond from Penn State Arboretum in State College pennsylvania

"Just finished a cranial sacral session with Aldene today. Complaining of my occiput  and upper neck aching all the time. Like it was crusty /stuck together. She did her brilliant work on the cranial sacral therapy  and I just tuned into the session energetically.  About 3/4 of the way through I could feel something happening in my skull. I heard or knew that I was being upgraded --that parts of my skull that were constricted and not expanding were  being removed and transformed into parts that would be easily expandable."  - woman in West Virginia


Testimonial from a New York City client of Aldene Etter CranioSacral Therapist and lifecoach in state college pennsylvania


Client testimonial from a London client on distant CranioSacral integration and Polarity Therapy with Aldene, international CranioSacral Therapist and lifecoach

"I am ever so grateful for my cranial sacral practitioner Aldene Etter and her ability to recognize how out of body I was before we even started our session. Aldene immediately recognized that I was hovering outside my body.  So she helped me get back into my body and then did the craniosacral work with me lying on the table." a Reiki practitioner 

Comment from a Minnesota client posted by Aldene Etter CranioSacral Therapist and lifecoach in state college pennsylvania

"I am sleeping better at night," said a 12 year old after a series of 6 sessions that her Mom scheduled, concerned that her daughter was sleeping alot during the day.  "And I can sleep with the light off."

Text message from a Madison, Wisconsin client after 6 sessions with Aldene Etter CranioSacral Therapist and lifecoach in state college pennsylvania

-text from a woman in Wisconsin 

Craniosacral testimonial from Canadien client living in Mexico city, Mexico posted by Aldene Etter, international Craniosacral therapist and LifeCoach in Pennsylvania

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